Monday, April 29, 2013

My greatest achievement: Understanding the human mind & human soul

Understanding the Human Mind & Human Soul
Jersey Leigh Pugay a.k.a. Four

A lot of people are asking me what is the thing that I do consider as the greatest achievement in my life.
I'm not preparing this as sort of a speech in graduation, being expected as my batch's Salutatorian. I'm making this post just to continue proving to myself that I've been me.
But maybe, by my graduation next year, I can use this one as reference.

To admit to everyone, I still don't know what is the greatest achievement I have in my life. There are a lot of things that happened to me and most of them are some things that I'll never forget in my life. But if you'll asked me what's the most unforgettable or most memorable?
I'll never be able to answer that.
The same way that you'll never understand why. But let me try to explain why.
If I asked you, what's your most unforgettable or memorable event in your life?
Of course, you'll not be able to break it down into just one event, right?
The truth with the human mind and human soul is that they both create conflict.
They create a conflict and battle in ourselves that makes us doubt things and our decisions.
Your mind may say that, "I'll never forget my first love." But maybe your soul would say, "I'll never forget the first time I've been in love."
Okay, for a brief summary of that concept, first love is different from the first time being in love. The first love that the mind would only remember is that person not why you loved him, not why you know he's your first love. And the first time being in love is the thought of how you've been in loved, and how you'll remember him.
It looks like I'm already favoring the Human Soul but no, I'm still in the middle of it.
Back to the topic. As I said earlier, both the Human Mind and Human Soul have their own conflict. It's like Heaven and Hell; like the sun and the moon; and the heat and the cold.
Like the following, they are two different things. Two things that many would already misunderstand.
A lot of people had surrendered themselves with the Human Mind.
The Human Mind isn't just of the brain and the nervous systems; it's about the memory, the thing that exist somewhere. And this memory has two kinds, the body and the mind.
Heard the quote regarding these two? 
"The mind may forget but the body will not."
The scientific thought of this quote is that the mind would always forget something but the instincts of the body that it forgets something will gradually be back.
To share an experience of this one is last Tuesday. I'm on my way to go to school and then I remember that I've forgot something: I forgot to grab some snacks. I was already by the next street that time, so I went back home. Then, I started walking out again. I was almost by the gate when I remember again something I forgot, I forgot the most important one: the brown folder, so I went back home and went on to school summer.
So, what do you think it is? The body or the mind?
If we don't look at it closely, we'll think that this is a mind memory because we think that the mind is still processing but no. For me, this is a body memory. I only hold the folder once, and the snack was just by the bar when I last saw it. 
If it's a mind memory, it will be like reminders.
For example, yesterday you were asked to bring this thing and you didn't take it note, then you remembered it the next day, that's the mind memory.
The body memory is very complex. Let's stick with that you are to bring something tomorrow, you wrote it down and you didn't ever see or touch that paper again. But you remember to bring those things the next day, that's the body memory. It remembers the things that you only did once.
The Human Mind is too powerful as it stands alone. From the readings on the news, I can identify what's with them. What the Human Mind has on them.
But opposition to that truth is that, many people that gives in Human Mind than the Human Soul are those that are drowned by the past and most of them are criminals and others that can't get over with those things with the past.
Well, we can't blame them.
The very thing everyone already missed is that the existence of the Human Soul.
Compared to the Human Mind, Human Soul has the very complex creation.
Human Soul is the existence of a very inner living. This has to do with the existence of the conscience and thought between everything that exist around us.
It is very hard to give an example but I have one example that I think is the best explanation for now.
There's this girl that gives everything for the person she loves. And this guy that the girl loves, loves her greater than she ever thought. This guy is willing to die if this girl dies, but for the girl, if the boy dies, she is forced to find another. Which is a complete parody of what true love is. The only that the Human Soul explains is that: in every relationship between living things and other living things or non-living things can't be measured. 
That in every relationship, no matter what you do, one will constantly loved greater than the other.
That's the passage of the Human Soul, the minimal descriptive thought of what love and relation between the things that exist around.
Only very few were able to be on this one, like of the boy on the example because for anyone, this is too hard. Sacrifice is the real thought of the Human Soul.

There's a part of a Human Soul that is prepared to sacrifice everything and there's also the bigger part that the Human Mind is controlling everything. Because the thought of the Human Mind is that, you don't want to die. That you can't give it up.
But both of them are indeed powerful that one couldn't exist without the other. They were like parallel worlds that needs to be together, that needs to be repel like a magnet in sometimes but needs to be together in some cases as well.

One of the greatest achievement that I am proud to share to anyone is that I was able to understand the meaning of the Human Mind and Human Soul. And I am very grateful that I was able to share it to you.

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